Meet Merlin

Merlin is a Juliana pig that we brought home in March of 2018.  He was the first animal on our homestead.  He is a very spoiled house pig who spends a lot of his time sleeping and roaming around outside.  His full title is Merlin the Magical Pig. 

They say chickens are the gateway farm animal.  That once you get chickens, it opens the floodgates to other kinds of livestock (ironically, chickens were one of the last breeds we acquired).  For us, it was pigs.  And one pig in particular started the whole adventure.  That’s why we chose to name our farm Merlin’s Magical Menagerie.

We joke that the animals are all Merlin’s and that he oversees everything that goes on here and every new addition that arrives here.  In actuality, in a lot of the various photos that I take, he is somewhere either in the foreground or background.  He is a huge part of what we do.  

He even has his own garden (that he’s not allowed in), aptly named Merlin’s Magical Garden, with a sign and everything.

If it weren’t for Merlin, things might have turned out very differently.  It has been a fun and educational ride so far and I’ve enjoyed every crazy minute of it.  I owe it all to Merlin.  I suppose that’s just part of his magic.

UPDATE:  Tragically, Merlin passed away just prior to launching our website in early 2021. I contemplated dissolving the farm, but made the hard choice to continue in his absence and also in his honor. I mourn his loss every single day, but I know he’s still here and that we will be reunited someday.

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