Breeding Schedule


I have no control over when the birds lay and my breeding season starts when the birds say it does. I also don’t implement the use of artificial lighting to make the birds lay earlier or longer.
All nests are inspected daily and new eggs are dated. If a broody duck/turkey/goose doesn’t present herself, I collect the eggs (oldest first) and incubate.
In the case of the waterfowl, I strongly prefer the moms to hatch and raise their young. With the turkeys, I usually end up incubating the eggs myself.
Turkeys generally start laying in March and I test fertility shortly after receiving a decent-sized clutch. Turkeys continue to breed and lay into the fall, but I end my turkey season in the summer. *
Muscovy can lay year-round, even in winter. I end my Muscovy season right before fall in order to keep a low number of birds going into winter. *
Geese usually lay for brief periods, generally in the spring and summer.
* Note: This does not apply to anyone that’s reserved and put a deposit down for a specific color and number of hatchlings. In those cases, I will allow the birds to do as nature intended and update the prospective new owner as to the progress of the hatch(es).
For the poultry, I have an app that I use to track the incubation period from when a hen goes broody or when I put a batch of eggs into the incubator.  Feel free to contact me if there is a particular breed or color of bird you’re interested in acquiring and I can tell you when it is expected.

Turkey Hatching Chart

Muscovy Hatching Chart

* All ducklings from the lavender project will be held back and not immediately made available to the public


I put the boars in the same pen with their respective partners in November in the hopes of a March litter. Even with doing so, the sows tend to have a mind of their own. The 2020 litter didn’t arrive until late July and the 2019 litter arrived late June.
I will update the site as soon as sows are determined to be pregnant via a device we have that indicates pregnancy. The gestation period for pigs is 114 days or more easily remembered as 3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days.
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